Song of the (International Womens) Day: The Highwomen ‘Redesigning Women’

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Source: The first time I heard this song I fell a little bit apart. Then I listened to the rest of the album and fell apart a little bit more. I’d probably had a few but the point(s) stand. Anyway, today I (finally) settled on a name and some branding for my new venture. It’s […]

Welcome to Funland

Photo of the front entrance to Silcocks Funland in Southport, UK

“We have a fantastic opportunity right now to use the inevitable move towards remote-first and flexible working to rebuild and regenerate some of our towns.Places like Southport, for one example, where there are already great transport links, beautiful parks, lakes and community spaces and amazing architecture could be rediscovered and reinvented to work for modern […]


With all this minimisation going on around here, it’s getting increasingly hard to buy or think of presents. One of the key reasons we didn’t have a wedding list is because we already have at least two lifetimes’ worth of Stuff between us. I feel Gavin got the short end this year, as his birthday […]


This has got to be one of the simplest, tastiest recipes I have had in a very long time. I plan on making this A Lot over the next while. Looking around the internet, pretty much every recipe is exactly the same (chard, spuds, garlic, olive oil , salt & pepper), so I’ve chosen to share this one from Naturally Sofia, because the pictures are very nice.