With all this minimisation going on around here, it’s getting increasingly hard to buy or think of presents. One of the key reasons we didn’t have a wedding list is because we already have at least two lifetimes’ worth of Stuff between us. I feel Gavin got the short end this year, as his birthday is only 2 months before Christmas and I’d already had all my ideas by then. Me, I fared far better.
As well as the Boom 2 speaker (yay!) I got a magic whisk, which will sauce my life up no end and *sigh* a Moleskine recipe journal. This will replace my current recipe book and, I hope, be added to with all those recipes that only live in my head. Now comes the struggle: Dive in and start adding recipes, notes and whatnot immediately – or – carefully select each recipe and use a nice pen?
I think I’ll end up doing a bit of both. I generally give myself three goes on a new recipe to get it ‘right’, so I think I’ll use my old book for goes one and two transfer to the Moleskine on go three.