They say everything that was once passé eventually becomes fashionable again.
Also, I need a place for stuff to go that isn’t just LinkedIn or one of those other increasingly dodgy social media platforms.
And so, in a fit of retro nostalgia, I am bringing back the blog. More specifically, MY blog.
I pretty much abandoned this site a few years ago. I just wasn’t motivated to keep it up – to be honest, I wasn’t sure who I was writing it for.
Since then, the world has changed. I have changed. A lot has happened in between.
Right now, I want somewhere I can talk about my new work interests (AI and how that can be used strategically to optimise background/internal processes in the average SME), life interests (sustainable fashion, food, eco-gardening), and all those things that span a bit of both.
I want to get my mini-podcast going again, so a revamped version of that will appear here soon. I won’t be focusing solely on bids and procurement but it’ll definitely still be part of it. If you want to catch up on that in the meantime, it’s right here:
You might notice there’s a few old posts left up. I think I’m fairly well known for haphazardly pushing the reset button on my life from time to time, but I still never like to start from a blank slate. Why throw out perfectly good words when they still have life left in them?
I’m keeping Song of the Day.