I’m on a mission

So my plans for world domination are coming on apace. AI has been sent from the gods to make life liveable for those of us with non-standard brains.

This morning, I’ve been chatting with my business advisor (ChatGPT 😉). ‘She’ now has enough information from our previous chats about the business I plan to launch later in 2025 to give me some really specific information when I ask her for help in figuring things out.

In the last hour, we’ve: put together a comprehensive business plan, which includes a list of anything missing and what I need to do to fill those gaps in; talked about how to embed ethics, integrity and sustainability from the start; brainstormed a mission statement and associated values and commitments, and; developed an easy-to-follow task-based plan – incorporating fun and creative tasks alongside the serious ones – that will keep me on track without getting overwhelmed or discouraged.

I then ran that task plan through a free iCal generator and uploaded it into my ‘Business Planning’ calendar in Gmail.

Anyway, here’s my mission statement:

And if anyone comes up with a reasonable company name, I’ll buy you a pint or make you a very excellent dirty martini.

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